Consulate of United Arab Emirates in Hong Kong |
Diplomatic representation of United Arab Emirates. Information on consular services of the Consulate of United Arab Emirates in Hong Kong. On this website you will find general information about the Consulate of United Arab Emirates in Hong Kong. The majority of foreign consulates in Hong Kong are from South American and European countries.
Contact details of the United Arab Emirates Consulate in Hong Kong
Addres: United Arab Emirates Consulate General in Hong Kong SAR - Rooms 4903-4906 - 49 fl. - Hopewell Centre - 183 Queen's Road East - Wan Chai - Hong Kong Telephone Number: (+852) 2866 1823 Fax Number: (+852) 2866 1690 Email: Website: Consul: Ms Nabila Abdelaziz Nasir Saeed Alshamsi - Consul General Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 09.00-17.00 / Consular Legalization Mon-Fri: 10.00-16.00